We live in one of the most culturally diverse countries (and cities) in the world and we hear many different languages being spoken every single day. While it may be difficult, speaking to our infants and toddlers several languages from birth will have a profound impact on their futures.
Researchers have stated that children who learn a second language at a young age have better cognitive advantages such as better problem solving skills and creativity. It also allows them to interact with people from different countries and cultures. Children who learn a new language at a younger age are more likely to test out their language skills and are better at copying sounds and the pronunciation of words.
Here are some ways that you can encourage language learning in your home:
- Make a casual learning environment: Make sure your are speaking WITH your child rather than TO your child. Allow your children to feel comfortable practicing the language by engaging in the level of conversation they are developmentally ready to have. Try not to correct all of the mistakes they make as this may discourage them, instead...
- Teach through repetition: Consistency is key, especially with children. Toddlers and preschoolers thrive on repition and will pick up learning points super fast.
- Make it fun! Engage your children through story-telling, movies, as well as playing games in the foreign language. Your children will be learning through play, which is what we are all about!
Some useful apps for language learning:
- Duolingo
- Little Pim
- Rosetta Stone Kids Lingo Letter Sounds
- Gus on the Go
- Learning by Mind snacks