Music and movement are very important aspects in the development of a child during the years of their early education. Both music and movement allow a child to develop their language and physical domains through an exploratory play-based outlet, which allows children to develop an interest for a skill at their own pace. Music and movement allow a child to be creative and express themselves naturally.
Through the philosophy of Reggio Emilia play based learning is a very important element which allows children to explore the environment around them through play. By educators reflecting on their observations, they are able to strategically place open ended materials throughout the classroom for the children to explore and manipulate. Music and movement come into play as children may use materials place out such as pots, pans, and wooden spoons, and turn them into musical instruments in order to express themselves.
Other ways that children can experience music and movement in the classroom may be through a collaborated effort such as circle time. Here children can develop their language through learning song lyrics and combining them with purposeful hand gestures or actions.
A few songs that include both lyrics and hand gestures are:
- The Wheels on the Bus
- If You're Happy and You Know It
- 5 Little Jungle Friends